Trojan Wellbeing Bootcamp
Our TV Screens are being inundated with Christmas Adverts and that fear/excitement (both release the same hormones in the body interestingly) begins of what to get someone who has everything!
Or do they?
Whilst our thoughts turn to the latest gadget or Fashion Accessory, are we giving any thought to actually improving our life.
What if you could buy something that is known to provide:
Now combine that with a bespoke Physical Fitness Programme and Mental Health awareness inputs over an intensive 5 day programme, throw in a bit of Peer Support which is one of the most effective therapies available.
Lets just say if Carlsberg did Bootcamps…..
Oxygen Wellbeing in conjunction with a Major National Hotel Chain are excited to offer for 2023, a 5 day intensive Mental and Physical Fitness Bootcamp, designed to kickstart your road to recovery.
Accommodation –
Fitness Facilities
On-Site Restaurant
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber
Bootcamp Overview
Day 1 –
Day 2 –
Day 3 –
Day 4 –
Day 5 –
Day 6 – Checkout
Whilst we appreciate not everyone will respond the same to the course, it is difficult to dispute the overwhelming evidence which highlights the benefits of mental and physical fitness activities.
This Bootcamp is specifically designed to encompass all the various strategies which have shown to provide fantastic results.
For more details on how to book a space on this fantastic programme, please click on the link.
Here’s to a very healthy 2023.